Board of Directors (2023-2024)

John Evans

Janet Gala

Tom Garrabrant

Robert Rossman

Brandon D. Ritter


Sponsored Programs

Mt. Airy Learning Tree

Northwest Village Network


Pamela Pittenger


MACSC Mission

For over 30 years, Mt. Airy Community Services Corporation (“MACSC”), a 501(c) 3 organization, has served as a stable financial umbrella for nonprofit groups serving the Northwest section of the City of Philadelphia.

The goal of MACSC is to strengthen the racially and economically diverse northwest section of Philadelphia by enabling local groups to offer a broad range of services to the community. 

Activities are carried out through service groups, under the direction of their own board of Governors and the MACSC Board of Directors.

Service groups of MACSC currently include:

  • Mt. Airy Learning Tree: providing educational opportunities for the community.

  • Northwest Village Network:  is about aging in community:  enhancing the quality of life in the Mt. Airy area through mutual aid, connections to services, connections to people, connections to mobility and access.


Contact Us

Mt Airy

Community Services Corp

6601 Greene St,

Philadelphia, PA 19119